Electric charging points

Electric charging points for your fleet?

The use of electric vehicles is becoming more and more important, so there is an increasing demand for electric charging points.

In such requests for charging points and their installation, it is necessary on the one hand to identify the needs of the users and the particularities of the location. On the other hand, it is necessary to choose a charging system that is adapted to the available electrical power.

When choosing a charging system, we take a number of criteria into account:

  1. Charging speed: Depends mainly on the charging capacity.
  2. Charging modes: type of connection between the electric power supply and the electric car.
  3. Type of infrastructure: on a wall or on a base.
  4. Type of access to the load: does the user need to identify himself or not?
  5. Communication: the charging system may or may not be equipped with a communication system. From simple indicator lights to connection to a network for complete information: users, consumption, vehicle identification, operating hours, maintenance, etc.
ATS Group electric charging stations

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